E-A-T has been propped here...

And propped there...

But I think E-A-T has finally found it's forever place (at least for now,

All due to this amazing product. I have two strips on each letter. The strips adhere to each other by "snapping" together...kind of like little teeth :0).

I've been using these products since they were introduced a few years back. First, to keep Christmas decor hung and then after we painted the walls in the living/dining/kitchen areas, I refused to add nail holes. Our home is "older" and has plaster walls. Do you know what happens when you have to pull nail out that is "off it's mark"? It's creates a huge crater! Forget that! I love these 3M products. There's a lot to choose from. Check them out if you haven't already. What makes them even more wonderful for our plaster walls, is that when you want to take them down, you simply pull the tab and the "gum" comes away from the wall neatly and without leaving a mark. Now, I did use this on one part of our wall that had been repaired and drywalled...it did tear away the top paper layer of dry wall so you might want to read the recommendations before you adhere a "hook or hanger" to any wall. But over all, I think you'll be pleased.
That new header picture is fabulous! I also love the way you hung your eat sign above the door. I've heard these strips are good, but yours is the first endorsement I ever heard. Thanks for sharing. xxoo
Do you think they work on a "bumpy" wall?
I love where you have the EAT now. Too bad you couldn't add some silverware up there w/ it....lol.
Trust me on this one: I don't need a sign to tell me to eat, chickee!!! LOL Comes naturally to this gal.....
We are getting ready to take a lot of wallpaper down and do some fresh paint on our walls and this is a timely hint. I will look for this product before I hang anything back up. Thanks.
Roberta Anne
Cool tip! Like your EAT!
Hi Rechelle,
I've been EATING..not many cupcakes left:)
I should try those. I use straight pins for hanging a lot of the stuff and leave tiny holes, but not holes would be better:)
Happy Thrusday.
I like the EAT sign over the door. I have used some of that 3M stuff before. I use it on my hollow core doors!! (Oh, how I wish for solid wood doors!)
take care,
Oh shoot. I should have given you one too. I missed giving one to two friends today. I was trying to think of people I knew who needed encouragement the most. Seems like most of my friends are grieving some kind of loss right now. :(
I love your blog. I like your taste in music, tablecloths, movies and books. We got our son's name from "Sleepless in Seattle", "Jonah". Well, actually, we got it from the Bible, but we wanted something different and when we saw the boy in the movie, my husband and I looked at each other and both said, "That's it"!!
I love the letters, they are so cute! I should get ones that say STOP to put in my kitchen, lol!
Your signs are great - and thanks for the tip. I don't have anything hanging on our bedroom walls - I'll have to check out the picture hanging strips. Also - your Wordless Wednesday post was great.
Hi Rechelle, I love where your letters EAT found their final resting place... It looks perfect up there. I have used those picture hanging strips and they are great. No holes in the wall is a good thing.
Thanks for your visit and sweet comment. I do feel lucky to live where we can enjoy the live stock in our mountains.
Hugs to you today...Jeanne
I love it too!!! I love the colors of your kitchen! So cheerful!
THanks for the info on the sticky thingamajiggys too, I have always wondered if they worked.::))
I have heard of the hanging srips....I'll have to try them...there is always a place or two I could use them....Love your EAT letters....
Mo :-)
Thanks for this information! I have bought some and now am afraid to use them LOL, when you are living in someone else's house you have to be so careful. My landlord did not want shoes worn in the house due to new tile, and not to hang anything up. I am going crazy trying to get around this!I am thinking about inviting the landlord over and asking him to hang my things with these sticky things!Cross your fingers for me!!
I, too, love these strips! Love your E.A.T. letters! Perfect placement (unless you change your mind;)
You are at least the second blogger I have read who has used this product. I must get some. Love the E A T letters. So cool!
Love love love the coke cooler!! I just recently started using the 3M Command hooks and they are so handy.
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