It's time for Blue Monday. Be sure to visit Sally @ Smiling Sally to see who else is getting their blue on.

There is a part of our beautiful metropolis where you can step back in time. With one of the largest concentration of Victorian Homes in the city, it's a place where gables, gingerbread trim and Victoriana ring loud and clear to this day.
This is the John Sheerer house, circa 1887. This home is believed to be a "catalog" home, either Sears or Montgomery Ward. Current owners discover this piece of history about their homes, when they come upon a piece of it's original wood and find that it's imprinted with numbering. Think of a type of build where piece one fits to piece two, and piece two fits to piece three, and so on...
What a sweet blue cottage...
Hi Rechelle, Wow, can you imagine putting together a home like a jigsaw puzzle? That home is so lovely and its BLUE too! LOL
Happy Blue Monday
Love, Ann
Rechelle, what a cute cottage! I am always amazed at those catalog homes. I went in one years ago that was so well built. This one certainly is cute in all its blueness! I would love to see inside, wouldn't you? Just darling. Thanks for sharing! :-)
That's one beautiful home. Ooo, I would love to see the prettiness inside. Happy Blue Monday to you..and I hope it's a lovely day.
What a cute little house! I guess that may have been a precursor of prefab houses. Looks much nicer, though, than what we think of as prefab!!
First I must say that Cookie and Daisy are very very cute.
Second I love that house. How perfect for today.
Going to bed now.
Love Claudie
Oh it is a sweet blue cottage. I would love to see inside. The color blue looks so pretty against the white trim.
Kathy b
Those kit houses are so cool! I would love to visit a neighborhood that had a couple.
Very pretty with lots of history.
What a lovely blue cottage. I have often wondered about these 'package' homes. I am hopeless at putting things together so I would never manage. There is a lovely victorian house in my neighbourhood but made of brick with a turret! Think I must go and snap it today and do a post on it sometime. Thanks for the blue inspiration!
Within a half hour from us is a very similar blue Sears home. It has always been a lot of fun to observe it!
What a wonderful cottage. I have read about the "catalog homes." The love the Victoriana look, the gables, and the gingerbread trim. Of course, it's a given - I love the blue. Happy Blue Monday!
I love to see Victorian homes and this is a pretty shade of blue. I can peek at the painted lady next door. Oh, you should do a post on all of these! Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.
This house has a very attractive design.
Wow, that is so cute! I'm glad you chose it to share. I don't think I realized MW sold houses as well; I've done some research on my home wondering if it was a Sears home but it isn't.
I love that gingerbread trim,the color scheme and weathervane on top! That house next door to it is pretty special as well. I'd like to see more of it!
Happy Blue Monday!
I love these types of neighborhoods and find a lot of them preserved here in Ohio.
I'm a first timer to Blue Monday and am enjoying it so much!
a great blue...a cottage! I love the old homes... all the details..and made to last!
beautiful! Happy Monday!!
Good morning Rechelle! What a fabulous little blue cottage! I love it and to think you could order a home from a catalog :0)
Hubby would love doing that today I think...
Our first home was a kit home and it was really fun to put together. I love any home with gingerbread.
Have a great Monday
Roberta Anne
I like Victorian houses, but you don't see them, here in Belgium ...
Have a nice day !
OOOO, I wish Sears would start doing this again...I LOVE those old catalog homes. And, this one is extra cute...
Thanks, girl, for sharing...
xo bj
You are the second person to guess correctly. I somehow thought more people would figure it out. I haven't okayed the comment to come through on my post yet. I want to see if anyone else figures it out. This is such fun. I had missed seeing posts from you. Glad you are back. That blue house is cute. Happy Blue Monday!
It is cute, I love it. I can imagine what it would look like it I tried to put it together, LOL
What a pretty house!
Good morning Rechelle, I never get tired of viewing anything Victorian. What a lovely way to live. I would miss today's modern conveniences though. Have a wonderful blue Monday day.
I love those old cottages. So cute! I love that color too!
Hi Rechelle
Thats interesting information. That is a such a cute little house. I just love it!
Thank you for sharing on Blue Monday.
enjoy this day
Hi Rechelle, I love the looks of this blue cottage..we have plenty of Victorian homes around my city of Savannah, Ga.... I need to go out and take some pictures and share them with you...hugs, Baba
What a sweet house. I'd love to see this house being put together....amazing..Hugs, Linda
I've heard of those Sears Catalog homes....how cool! Thanks for sharing your pic.
Hmmmm...Silly me...and all I look at in the SEARS catalog is toys...I so would love a Victorian Beauty like that!
Wow...you cannot even get custom homes built today with that much detail...so very quaint...& yes quite lovely! And to think it was like a life size Lincoln Log project from a catalog!!
Oh... I love this little blue cottage.... gosh it is cute.... can you imagine that ..... a house from a catalog.... there is one in a town not far from us and it is huge..... but this blue one is just charming...
I love houses like this. Blue is the perfect color for it.
Dear Rechelle, Thank you for your comment on my post. I'm so sorry about your brother. Your right though. God had special plans.
That's a beautiful shade of blue for a house! I really like it!! Thanks for stopping by my place. Have a great day!!
What a nice house! Are any of them open for tours. I'll bet that they are stunning inside!!! It's hard to imagine buying a house out of a Sears catalog!! ☺
take care,
These are really unique houses! I didn't know there was such a thing until I encounterd one of a Christmas tour in Southport, NC. Pretty neat, huh? This is so pretty and quaint! ~hugs, Rhonda :)
I have only read about the catalog homes. The blue cottage is darling. Will you next be knocking on the door? Just tell them the folks in Bloggerville need to see the interior!
Hi Rechelle, I love this blue cottage. I know the Sears homes are very well built and popular to this day. This one is in fabulous shape.
Hello and Happy Blue Monday. Love that blue post, house is adorable!
BLess You, Shirl
Shirls Rose COttage
Love the house,in our community there is an old Sears home,it is quite nice the way it is laid out.I love old houses.
There is a section of the city where I grew up that had a neighborhood of catalog homes. They were always quick to sell because they are so well built and cute. I too would like to see the inside! Happy Blue Monday! ~ Robyn
That's a perfect little cottage!! Thanks so much for stopping by and yes I did work very hard on the hutch, and I did have a battle with the paint sprayer!! It spit and dribbled and now it is in the garbage!! LOL.
Sears sold houses?? Who knew?
I'd say the place has held up remarkably well -- especially since it was apparently a cottage-in-the-box. Must've used some of that Sears Weatherbeater paint too!
that is the kind of house I always wanted. I love the blue and I love to see the inside too.
I enjoy your blog!! I have two awards for you over on my blog.
I love to see the catalog homes. There are several in a small town near us and they are always so cute. Love these!
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