It's that time of week once again. Yahoo for
Pink Saturday! A glorious day when we get to wallow in
pink and show our
pink pride :0).
Pink Saturday so graciously hosted by our Beverly at
How Sweet the Sound. Be sure to pay her a visit and see who else is
proudly prancing in pink.
These are the new seat cushions for my dining set...
While I prefer the mottled reds, there are shades of pink too. I love Waverly fabrics and prints.

And the reverse...
There really isn't that much pink in my home as I prefer reds but I figure this side will be facing down so they won't clash with the rest of the color scheme, but I have to say that this side of the cushion reminds of an old-fashioned ice cream parlour. How sweet that would be.

The pink outside/summer dishware

Some of my favorite issues with bits of pink here & there...

An old print that hangs on my wall. Shades of pink through out. I know the "style" is a bit dated but I love this verse...I hope some of you can share your ideas on how I can update it's look. I've got some, but I'd like some opinions too. Thanks!

Splashes of Pink in "Lamplight Lane". This was the gift hubby gave me on our wedding day.
(please don't mind the dust,

Thanks for stopping by and saying "HI!". I'm glad you were so kind as to spend a bit of your day with me. Have a perfectly pink Saturday and a glorious weekend.
Pink Ladies Pledge...
I love all your pink....and the cushion does remind me of an ice cream shop!! That's a good thing! Happy Pink Saturday!
I like your cushion. The flip side does remind me of an old fashioned ice cream parlor! :)
The print you have is very pretty! The painting from your husband is beautiful!
Happy Pink Saturday!
take care,
Happy Pink Saturday!
Love your post, especially your PINK hearts frame!
~ Gabriela ~
Happy Pink Saturday! Love the stripes! Well, you know me, on the picture frame, I say, paint the frame white, re-mat in a pink or raspberry that brings out the colors in the hearts!
What a lovely home you have. Pretty in Pink!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Enjoy looking at all your pretty pink things.
Have a Happy Pink Saturday and a Wonderful Labor Day!
Blessings, Virginia
Happy Pink Saturday to you. I enjoyed my scroll through all your nice pinkies...
Now, I need to get me some ice cream!
Happy Pink Saturday!
I love the fabrics . Now I want an icecream!! Make mine strawberrie PINK! Pinkness to you Kathy
Happy Pink Saturday, Rechelle.
Love your new cushions. Waverly has the most beautiful fabrics.
Hi Rechelle,
The pink cushions are sweet and I agree, paint the frame white or maybe pink or maybe a green?? So many choices..:) Hope you are having a nice weekend..Take care.
Warmly, Deb :)
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3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award (see below.)
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver. (s)
Characteristics for the Smile Award:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times--we are all human).
2. Must love one another.
3. Must make mistakes.
4. Must learn from other.
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world.
6. Must love life.
7. Must love kids.
Hi again Rechelle,
So, you say your daughter is going to be a doctor..hummm, that would work for me :) Is she dating anyone?? Thanks for the well wishes and you never know ??!!heehee
Hugs, Deb
Lovely chair cushions-both sides- i love pink but i love almost all colors! (Not quite as crazy about orange but it can look great too). Lovely Thomas Kincaid print. Happy Pink Weekend
Love your pink!
Thank you for all your prayers and blessings!
Have a wonderful Labor Day,
kari & kijsa
Great cushions!
Happy Labor Day! ~Rhonda :)
Hello Rechelle, I am like so late attending Pink Saturday! I had my Mom visiting us and she didn't appreciate me spending hours on the computer!
Love all your pinkness especially that pink cushion.
The cushions are lovely! I really like the *pink* stripes on the back too! You read some of my favorite magazines too!
What lovely pink things you posted. :o)
running behind on pink sat. but happy belated pink sat. & thanks for stopping by, love the cushions! everything looks great !
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