Happy Tuesday to you all. Three or more Tuesday is hosted by Tam @ The Gypsy's Corner. Be sure to pay her a visit and see who else is sharing their "3's". Better yet, why don't you join in the fun?!
Three & More Shamrocks...
Okay, here is where I need some input, opinions and thoughts. This table drives me absolutely nuts. I cannot stand it's straight lines at all, yet I cannot seem to part with it. It's just an old aquarium table/stand that hubbs and I picked up at a yard sale over 12 years ago. I've tried storing it and yet...it seems to call to me "Take me out Rechelle! Take me out!". I know it sounds weird but I simply cannot part with the table, so here is where I need your help. Since I cannot stand it's look I need to give it a make over. I figure that is a nice little compromise. My decor is a country-cottagey type look. I've thought of painting it and I can see a nice creamy color on this old table, but perhaps it needs more...Right now it's rather rustic and "hard". It really needs some softening and feminizing. What can we do with those legs??? Your suggestions are very much appreciated. Ha! Just realized this could part of a our "3 or more" theme as well. Look at all those Christmas Decorations!
(edited to add that I've been trying to post to some blogs but can't get past the word verification)
Hi Rechelle,
Maybe you could put some little corbels or brackets in the corners underneath to soften it up a bit? You know, kind of like gingerbread trim on a porch...
It's a great table, Rechelle. You could leave it stained as is and paint or stencil a cream colored border on. Or paint it all cream and antique it with a dark stain - darker on the corners and in the nooks and crannies to make it look old. I use plastic wrap for staining painted surfaces. The more yukky the plastic wrap gets, the better the surface looks! Just keep stippling until it looks good to you. Don't forget to show us a pic when you work your magic!
Rechelle how about making a skirt to go around the bottom with cute fabric that would coordinate with your drapes.
The Corbell idea is a neat one too.
Thanks for stopping by my little blog!
You are not alone with that word verification problem!! A few of us have posted our frustrations with it today...
OOps now I forgot what your three or more was. I'll go back and look... I'm back now..
The Shamrocks are great. I love making the traditional Corned beef meal and I don't know what to say about the table except I really like your Nativity :0)
about a brown first coat of paint then a cream color crackle on top.The crackle look would go good with your country ,cottage look..I also like the idea of the skirt around the bottob.
What about adding a shelf about 12 inches or so up from the floor? You can have another display area without having things on the floor. Also painting the whole thing a white/cream color to go with other things in your house.
I have also not been able to comment on some blogs due to not being able to get past the word verification. It just says Loading..... but it never does load.
My first thought was what Tracey suggested...and then paint it out with maybe an antique glaze.
Your Shamrocks are cute! :-) Laura
The skirt is what I was originally thinking too. However if you need to keep it open for displaying purposes then I would antique it and stencil in a victorian design on the legs or something flowery on the legs but just in a darker color than the ivory you might want to put on the table so it's like a shadow. You can do baskets under the table for storing magazines or other things like that. I like the shelf idea too so your things are not on the floor. If you do the shelf, put wheels on the table so it's easy to move around. Good Luck with the project.
Hello Rechelle, I do love that table. It is the perfect size for your window and looks fabulous there. I adore your Christmas decorations too.
OK, I would paint it creamy white or match your woodwork. You need to make it shabby chic. Stencil ivy vines on the front legs or something like that very simple. Good luck, I know you will do something great. I can picture it with a beautiful compote holding a LARGE ivy plant. Cottage delight.
Hope you are recovering from your surgery. I am now just past the three week status, with months of therapy ahead of me. I think I'll live. Smile.
I missed visiting everyone yesterday and I scrolled down to your blue. Love the casserole and bowl. Go blue!!!
Have a great day.
On comments...put in your own letters, hit enter and you should get a word or what passes for a word.
I have a table just like this and have painted it several different colors. It has been used as a behind the couch pier type table, a table at the end of the bed where hubby could toss his clothes. Right now it is out by my porch table serving as a sort of buffet. I also cannot part with it. I like how yours looks now. Love the treasures under it. I also once put it in my kitchen to just hold "stuff". Now that was no help at all but I tried.
Have a Terrific Tuesday
from Roberta Anne
I like all of the suggestions that you have received. I think if it were mine, I would paint it cream and then see if it still needed more.
It's a great table, but if you want it cottagey the paint with some distressing might make it more at home with you or you can taper the bottom of the legs and add some decorative wooden elements you can put on, paint it the same shade as most of your furniture to help it blend in.
Whatever idea you come up with I'm sure it'll be lovely and those shamrocks rock!
Carolyn of What Now? Tablescapes
Nice shamrocks & music :)
Happy Three or More Thursday!
Looks like you have gotten some good suggestions for your table!
How about painting it to match the window seal? Since it sits in front of the window it would be kind of an extension of it. Looks like a great place to display your treasures.
Wish I could help you! It takes me sooo long to figure out which way to go with a design!
Hi Rechelle,
great 'Three Or More' post, thank you so much for participating. I read through the responses you've received about your table and I think the ladies got it all covered, their is some great suggestions. I can't wait to see what you end up doing with it.
Have a wonderful evening,
I have no clue what to do with it, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you end up doing with it. I have an 80's sofa table that is similar in color and style that I just can't part with and it's lurking in the basement. Maybe I'll get some inspiration from your project☺
Hi Rechelle! Oh, my suggestion for your precious little table would be to make it shabby chic by adding a pretty tablecloth. One with a ruffle around it and then you could even hide stuff underneath it! Then when you wanted a change, but change the cloth!
I'll enter your tiny name in my giveaway!
be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Hi Rechelle
I think I would start out painting it a creamy white colour also. I see some other suggestions here on antiquing it from there. That sounds like a good idea too.
not much help.
I've been having the same problem posting. I'm glad it wasn't just me.
have a nice evening
My first thought was a nice cloth runner or something. I think it looks great as it is too.
Hi Rechelle, you got some great suggestions on your table to choose from! Good luck!
Whats up with the word verification? I have been having that problem to.
Love, Ann
Hi Rechelle!
It sounds like you have some great ideas. Depending on your room decor..painting your table might just give it a new life. I even life black..I could see shelves..or even finding some crates or drawers and painting them and putting casters so they roll in/out. I also love adding lacy or vintage tables runners on things. Your only limit for this is your imagination..it will be fun to see what you decide on.
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