I decided to make my re-entry into Blogville via Show & Tell Friday, which is now hosted by the beautiful Cindy over at My Romantic Home. Be sure to pay her a visit and see who else is "showing and telling" today.
Not to long ago, I was gifted with these vintage pieces. My dad's significant other knows of my love of vintage and antique items. She was out and about at a yard sale about a week ago and came upon these beauties. I've done a bit of my own research on them and have discovered they were made by Taylor Smith Taylor and are pattern 1825. They were discontinued in either 1941 or 1942. I've all ready used them and I just have to say, food looks even better when served in antique/vintage china :0)
Oh! I wanted to add that these four items were bought for $0.25 each! SERIOUSLY!

Thank you so much for stopping by. I sure hope you'll let me know you were here. Have a Fabulous Friday!
Hi Rechelle...
It's sooo nice to see you, my friend! It sounds like you've been very busy...life is often that way! Hehe! Anyway, it is so nice to see a post from you and have the chance to visit with you!
Oooh...Girl, I love your beautiful china that Ms. Maxine gifted you with! They are just gorgeous...such a pretty pattern! That was so very sweet and thoughtful of her! Thank you for sharing your pretties with us today...
Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
Beautiful china!! And such a deal! You are lucky.
Wow....gorgeous. It's so like my late mother-in-law's china...her's has the same print but with the family's surname initial!!
My Thanksgiving decorations are posted today for show n tell Click Here
Very pretty dishes! And what an awesome price! you can't beat it! i am glad to hear you are using them as well. So many people but pretties away and rarely use them. Whats the point I say!
Hi Rechelle!!!
Those dishes are awesome, and what a bargain Miss Maxine found for you to enjoy.
I'm going to have to check out your kitchen face lift--I'm in the process of that at my house right now.
It's good to see you again!
Ok, so I checked out your kitchen (when I should be working in mine, lol!). What did you to use to soak your hinges in? I have copper hinges, unpainted. I've soaked them in TSP and my current plan is to spray paint them with a brushed nickel finish. Otherwise, I'll have to replace 36 hinges.
What a sweet gift to treasure! And the price...wow. :o) Dont you love a BARGIN? Thanks for sharing. May you and yours be blessed this Thanksgiving season.
What lovely pieces and a lovely lady to give them to you. I have several Taylor Smith Taylor pieces - love them all.
HI Rechelle! Oh, those are lovely dishes! Can't believe the bargain you got on them. Now I'll be looking for a tablescape soon!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Beautiful dishes. I checked out your kitchen. Oh, my. You've been really working hard! I love the bead board. I just put some in my kitchen and bathroom. I've been working hard at spiffing up my home, too. So I don't blog very often, either. Thanks for sharing.
Wow .25cents what a find! Wonderful Treasures ~Thanks for sharing ~Blessings Heather ;D
O, first of all..I am so thrilled that you love this sweet lady that has made your daddy happy. That is truly a blessing..to her and him and to you and your family. So sweet. I do hope she reads this amazing post.
Next I love the dishes she got for you. Awesome..
AND, lastly...Believe me, I am not superstitious at all...when we have God with us, HE doesn't give a flyin' flip how many letters we have in our names!!! :O)
Have a wonderful and fun weekend...
xo bj
Hi Rechelle!
Your dishes are beautiful... such treasures!
Hugs, Sherry
Very pretty china! Nana Maxx's thoughtfulness must make them even more special!
Hi Rechelle....good to see you posting again:).
What lovely treasures and made even more special coming from Miss Maxine. I know you will think of her each time you use them....hugs, Linda
fab china! fab deal!
That china is just beautiful, I think I love it so much because it is not loud, it just lets the food sing, don't yu just love that..I am a new follower of yours, come for a visit.
Oh my goodness they are absolutely gorgeous .
I love old china .
Thank you for sharing these fabulous treasures .
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week !
Happy Trails
Hey Rechelle, long time no see or talk to! Good to see you back!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
~Hugs, Ann
What a beautiful and wonderful find! I would use them every day.
Dear Rechelle, wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Love, Jeanne
These are really pretty and what a great price to get them at. WOW! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Hope to see you posting again soon.
Beautiful, Rechelle! Don't you just love things like your beautiful china, that someone special gives you for no reason other than simply because they love you? What a sweet memory you'll have in those pretty pieces.
Merry Christmas...Kathy
Just checking in. Hope all is well with you.
Hi Rechelle, I am so pleased to see you posting again. I manage to post but finding time to visit is the real problem. I seem to be on the go so much of the time.
The dishes are beautiful and such a sweet thoughtful gift no matter what the cost. Love that price for all of that beauty.
Our new poodle puppy was groomed today for the first time. She looks so cute. I am posting some photos tomorrow.
I must get tomorrow's post done so goodbye for now, Hugs, Jeanne
Hi Rechelle, thinking of you and I just stopped by to tell you I miss you. I hope all is well with you.
Love ya, Jeanne
Rechelle....WHERE ARE YOU???? I miss you!!!
Thanks for entering my Spring giveaway Rechelle!
I hope we get to see a new post from you again soon sweet friend.
~Blessings, ~Melissa :)
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Welcome back hope you had some restful time off.
Lovely set of dishes but even more lovely is a treasure like Nana Maxx. Every family should have at least one.
Monday Blessings ;-)
Here comes the sun...hope that means it will come back to my side of the woods.
looks like one of your comments needs to be flushed!!! What creeps!!!!!
Those are just beautiful! They are wrong if they think that we only cherish something we pay a lot of money for! It's the things given to us with love or that we have the good fortune to find after a long search...that make our hearts sing! :)
Just checking up on you. How are you these days? I agree with one of the comments that you need to get rid of that strange comment.
Hey Rechelle, just wanted to check in with you and let you know I miss you! Hope your life slows down a bit to start back blogging with all your buddies...
Hi Rechelle, it has been an age since I was here. I just wanted to tell you I am thinking about you.
Enjoy your day and have a blessed Easter.
Hugs, Jeanne
So glad you're back! I too have been on hiatus from blogging for far too long. Life just has a way of prioritizing things. I hope to be able to blog more consistently now and I look forward to stopping in to Walnuthaven frequently.
Your vintage pieces are gorgeous, Rechelle! I adore aged and well used china and glass.
Have a beautiful weekend and a fab new week!
WHERE ARE YOU???? I miss you!!!
I've been thinking about you and wondered where you were, then I couldn't find you.... Well I found you again tonight. Yay!! So where are you? I hope you're ok.
Prayerfully yours,
Oh, those ARE beautiful! :) That is amazing that they were bought for only a quarter a piece, too! :)
I hope you are doing all right, and having a good summer! :)
Hi Rechelle!
Just stopping by to say "Hi"! Haven't heard any updates on you for a while and wondering how you're doing.
Blessings to you!
Hugs, Sherry
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