Hey everybody! I've been a bit busy so I haven't posted much and I haven't been able to get to blogs like I'd like. We have been working in our backyard and patio area. It's been a long time since we gave it a good cleaning and the only landscaping we had back there was wall to wall grass. Literally. We have block walls that surround our property and with dogs and little kids I never thought it was a good idea to do any kind of landscaping until they got older (both the kids and dogs). Well, about two weeks ago we decided we were going to throw an 80
th surprise
bday party for my father and have it here. Well, since then we've been working, working, working and we've still got a long way to go. We planted some queen palms, filled in holes and topped with grass. We've got gardeners coming out tomorrow to level out the right half of our yard. According to the previous owners there used to be an above ground pool that stood there and it compacted the ground and made it very uneven. See where the slide is, you can just make out the "dip".
Here are some "before" shots...
north & west walls
north wall
West wall...

South & west walls
The first palm dear hubby planted...

Here's what we've done so far. You can see we moved the swing set to the south side of the yard. That swing set really keeps my youngest guys busy! I know it's not an "in your face"
transformation, but keep in mind we've have TONS more to do. I'm going to be planting some geraniums at the base of each tree for some added color. Being that we are closely monitored when it comes to our water consumption, and can only water our lawns two days out of the week, our grass isn't nearly as nice/green as we used to have it.

Don't they seem to be asking
"What's going on?
What are you doing to our yard?"

We also had to wait for this little family to "fly" before we could begin work on our patio. This weekend we'll be power washing the patio cover & patio.
Yay! Yes, that is a retro/vintage patio cover you see. My house was built in the early 50s and this patio cover "fits" with the age of my home. I go back and forth on whether or not I'd like to replace it, but the old aluminum just seems to belong here...Am I weird?
Looking good. That must have been a BIG job to move the playset. Your backyard is looking good. I also like the placement of your trees.
Rechelle,This looks so good.You all had a big job.Hope you are having a great day!Blessings, Faye
What a big back yard - I love everything you are doing and what a great place for your dad's party!
I would definitely say you have been busy. Looking good so far. Adding the trees is a nice touch along the fence.
Love the block fence--would love to have one. If the patio cover is keeping in period with your house and you like it, then keep it! Hope your birdies move along soon so you can bring on the power washer.
It's cool seeing the palm trees, too☺
Your yard is looking good! The doggies do seem to be thinking exactly what you posted. lol
I love working in my yard. There's something calming about it.
Happy Tuesday.
I think it's great that you have an enclosed yard for your kids and pups to play in safely.
You have been busy, busy!
Looks good-
What fun to play in your yard but the before looks wonderful too. I love lawn.
The Raggedy Girl
Such a nice yard! We have sooo much to do too! Good luck with your projects!
Planting the row of trees really adds softness and grace to the walls. Keep up the good work.
You have a nice large backyard. The tree's will help out with shade in a few years and the dogs will love them then. ;)
Stopping by again to say hi. Your backyard is looking very nice. The trees are great and will become more and more beautiful as years go by. The flowers underneath will be so pretty too.
No, I don't think you're weird. If it goes with the house it should stay. Love your big yard. Can't wait to see what else you plant. xxoo
Rechelle, I think your yard is looking great. Like us a little at a time. Cookie and daisy are adorable and they definitely are wondering what is going on???
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