Happy Thursday and welcome to Vintage Thingies Thursday! VTT is hosted by Suzanne @ The Colorado Lady. Be sure to pay her a visit and see who else does it "vintage".Taylorton-
Rose Sachet Pitcher

All that's left of an entire dinner set. When the Whittier Narrows quake hit in the 80s, the pitcher took a major tumble and was the only piece damaged. When the
Northridge quake hit in the early 90s, the entire set came down and all that survived was this pitcher. Since then it's been through quake after quake and yet it remains. I'd like to think it's s strong testament to what once "was".
Thanks for stopping by and saying "Hi!". I hope you have a great day!
That is one trooper of a pitcher! He is a tough little guy:) California is such a lovely shake and bake state!
GM Rechelle...girl I was in the Whitter quake at my mama's house and it was horrible...I seen my Mama's brick wall crash into the pool, things fly out of the frig, even my Dad's pool table walked across the room...scared me to death..We had our last BIG one here in 89...so we are long over due...I lost one of my best friend on the frewway collasp in that one..that pitcher is special to survior...I said it was a sign...Thanks for sharing...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
That pitcher is a real survivor.
That pitcher is lovely.
Blessings and have a sweet day.
Barbara Jean
Love, love, LOVE this!!!
Rechelle, This is awsom!Thank-u for sharing. Hope you have a great day! Blessings, Faye
yes, lovely pitcher indeed .
Thanks for dropping by.Have a great day Rechelle.
Awww. Dang earthquakes. It looks like it was pretty :)
All the best,
Gorgeous vintage pitcher. I would keep all your collectables nailed down if I were you!!
Beautiful piece. I can't imagine losing the entire set. I think I would have everything glued down. I've never dealt with quakes before!
Hi Rechelle....your new header is so pretty, I love it!
What a lovely pitcher...I'm glad it survived, it should say quake proof too:)...hugs, Linda
Hi Rechelle. Tough old pitcher but yet she still remains so delicate-looking.
This pitcher is simply lovely!! I for one don't know if I could handle earthquakes!! You're a brave lady!!!
Have a fantastic Friday!!
That pitcher is beautiful, Rechelle, and I am lovin' your new header photo!
Hi! Beatiful pitcher.
Oh my gosh that is amazing.
What a great pitcher .
Sorry about the rest of the set .
But I am so glad this survived it's really lovely.
Thank you for sharing.
Blessings to you!
That pitcher must be part Timex (takes a licking and keeps on ticking...). Glad you still have once piece that hasn't met its demise.
Wow...I have never felt a quake.
I am so glad the pitcher survived...it's beautiful!
Hi Rechelle,
Only the "strong" survive!!!
Guess you were meant to keep the pitcher :)
I don't even know what the "followers" thing is about or what it does...do you??
Almost the weekend...
Deb :)
It is amazing this pitcher survived after 2 quakes. I can only imagine what a nightmare that must have been. I love the little flowers on the side, so pretty.
Thanks for participating in VTT. Have a great week.
What a special pitcher to have survived the earthquakes. It is lovely.
that is one special pitcher.. you are meant to be together.. lovely..
happy vtt
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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