My sweet hubby brought home a container full of pretty flowers but unfortunately there was no tag to tell me how to care for these beauties. I don't know if they need sun, shade, a mix of both. There are these lovely purple blooms and then there is a small lavender flower with a yellow middle.It looks to be two different flowers. It almost looks like a mini daisy.
This morning I placed them "here" and I love the welcoming look it provides...
If you know what these are, please share as I'd love to have them through this season and then transplant if possible.
Could these be petunias? What are those little tiny flowers? Can I transplant flowers like this? I need help! :0)
Click on any picture to enlarge...
HI! Yes, those are Petunias! I planted some in my old wagon the other day! Your hubby did great! You can leave them in the pot or transplant them. As the petunia flower starts wilting, just pull it out. That way you'll keep getting blooms.
Rechelle,these are petunias.I love the color.Hope you are having a great day! Blessings, Faye
Petunias- one of my faves. Make sure you keep pulling the old blooms off- it will lead to more new ones. They like sun or a mix I believe- but don't hold me to that.
Hi Rechelle
Those are Petunias! Petunias come in 4 different varities, Grandefloras, they are about 4"-5" across, Multifloras, they are about 2 -3" across, Millifloras which are compact miniature petunias and they are around 1" to 1 1/2" across and then there is a groundcover type with minature petunia flowers too. By the looks of your picture, it looks like you have the Millifloras, the compact minature petunias. They like full sun to part shade, lots of water, and regular fertilizing. Hope this helps! They are really pretty and look so great in that chair! Good choice and good spot!
Well Rechelle... Looks like you've got you some...
Purdy Purple Petunias...
now, say that 5-times real fast!
Ain't bloggerland just great!
I agree Petunias...I love them in the chair...
Mo ;-)
I was going to be the first to say petunias but I guess the previous 6 bloggers were faster. Then again, I thought, you are in California and you may have things that look like petunias but aren't!! Anyway, I love them in the chair. Pots look best in places you wouldn't expect to see them!
Have a wonderful week! :-)
They do look like petunias to me because of the foliage. If they are, they will love to be in hanging pots. xxoo
I don't know what type of flowers they are but they sure are beautiful ♥
That is what I have.....petunias~~~YAY...good choice and they look loverly!!!
Rechelle, they certainly are pretty!!
My petunias are in the sun. Those are very pretty. I like how they look in the chair. Very nice. Noticed you use them in your new header picture too. Very inviting.
Well...I am not an expert but they certainly look like petunia's to me. They look like the kind that are's a kind that it...they look like what they call "Wave" Petunia's out here in don't quote me..I don't want to feel foolish...but that is what they look like to me. :) "Wave" Petunia's are a lovely ground cover type...
That deep lavendar blue is gorgeous!
oh dear..I hope I didn't steer you wrong!
Yep...I went back and took a second look. I'll put my money on Wave Petunia's... :)(now watch me be wrong!)
Hi Rechelle...
Around here we call them "A million bells"...I have some in orangey red...the hummingbirds love them. They are a Petunia...
Love the new look!
Well you sure know now that the are Petunias. I think the little flower is just a hitchhiker and is some kind of daisy.
The Raggedy Girl
They look so great on that wood chair!
Petunias! Pick off the spent blooms as they appear. If it's a cascading/wave petunia, you may have to cut back mid summer so they don't get too leggy. They like sun☺
Your flowers are a beautiful purple.
I enjoy petunias for their blooming throughout the summer. I think they are annuals and will only keep for one season.
I had to smile when you said you would have to wait and live with concrete for the time being....I remember those days...when our children were small I knew someday I would have a nice brick patio....we never had the $$$ to do much...every extra $ went to the kids and there needs...our concrete patio had a crack all the way down the center...I lived with it for years....a few years ago...the price was right and we put brick in...I love bottom line the wait was worth it.....I loved those days cracks and all.....
Mo :-)
Hi Rechelle, Those are beautiful Petunias!
Thank you so much for popping in to see me! I appreciate your visits!
Hope you have a blessed week! Nancy
I was going to say they look like wave petunias to me, but it appears you know that by now with all the other comments.
They are very lovely! Thanks for letting us see them!
Hi Rechelle :)
I love your petunias!! Everyone has already given you the answer ;)
Happy belated Birthday! I hope you got your wish!!
Hello Rechelle, I am sorry I haven't been visiting much. We are on vacation and it sure is hard to keep up with my blogging friends. Thank you for your comment and visit. We are having a wonderful trip.
I adore your petunias on the chair. They look beautiful there. Your husband is a sweetie and a keeper. Smiling here. I see many of your friends did know what they were. I have found that there are many flowers I don't know since we moved from Fl. I'm learning though.
Rechelle aren't those Petunias? I have the same purple ones on my back deck and they are HUGE!
Check out my Porch and Patio post from a few weeks ago....:)
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