It's just too darned hot! I actually had to turn on the central A/C and cool off the house yesterday.
Yesterday was 97 degrees. Today's projected high is 98 (which means it will probably go over 100 here) and we aren't to see a "cool down" until Wednesday (high 80s). Bah!
So today I'll be doing my best to keep cool and be dreaming of my favorite place...Where today it will be a breezy 82 degrees...sigh*

We need to combine your weather with mine and split the difference!
Great photos in your post.
That is too hot!
Way too hot- I agree! 80s here in VA by the end of the week. I prefer 70s!
It got hot up here too. Supposed to be hot today and tomorrow, then a cool down again. Yay! I hate it when it is too hot. I did get outside to do yardwork yesterday before it got too warm.
Hi Rechelle ~ I don't blame you...that's way too hot! Although, I just want spring more snow for me, thank you very much!
The water is so blue...and so your post below I saw you use Heirloom White...I use that all the time....the color is great and not to white and not to beige...great color....
Mo ;-)
and a great bench re-do.....
Way too hot!!! I think we should average out the high for here with the high for you and it would be a very nice 76 degrees!
OH Rechelle:
That is too hot. I am a cold windy gray outside rainy kind of girl. I hate hot and get really cranky. I hope you cool back down.
Roberta Anne = The Raggedy Girl
Hi Rechelle :)
It's COLD here...this weather is crazy...I'd love to sit with you by the ocean:)
Very nice bench makeover:) Using a dress for fabric..Great idea, plus it's so Pretty.
Happy Monday!
Deb ~
It's cool (upper fifties), quite windy and yet more rain is on the does that sound? I can ship some to you if you like, lol☺
Do you have high humidity with that heat as well? When it's that hot here in the summer, we have the high humidity to go right along with it.
Hope you had a good Monday! Thanks for the link to the flooring, I'm checking it out!
Hi Rechelle it's hot, hot, hot here too...I long for the coast. Our friends were at Bodega this weekend and it was 88degrees, they said not fun...hugs, Linda
My hubby likes it sizzling, not so much! I think it's because he has never had a Hot Flash!
We here in New England are NEVER happy with our weather...but it changes so quickly...
Send it my way please!!! I'll take it!!! 40's here today and I say Blah!!! 80's are on the way just in time for the weekend!! Woohooo!!
Have a great night!
What brand is the heirloom white? Hmmm...trying to think if I've used my almond on something big.....the dog can is the same that big enough? Love the ocean pics..... can complain a little bit...that is TOO hot...why don't I send ya some of our rain? How much would you like..1 day or 2? :-) The pics are gorgeous...I would love to picnic there!
Wow, Rechelle, that is hot. Our mountains always are fairly cool in the summer. But, if we go into town, it can be hot. Your photo of the water is soothing and beautiful. Hopefully cooler weather is coming soon again.
My goodness...I will keep my weather and just pray that yours gets better ;) We have been having 60 and 70 days and I love it!
By the way my won my stash of coupons. I think this is the second time isn't it? Awesome!
Will you email me your address please?
Snow two weeks ago and rain this week. I will take your heat, but you can keep the AC bill! Great photos. Wishing you a wonderful day.....~Cathy~'s getting hot here in Houston. Yesterday at 4:00 it was 89. I've been using my AC for a while...even been known to use it on Christmas day...LOL!
Hope you get cool!
Love your previous post about the cute little bench. What a difference! Good job.
Woah...that is too hot. I feel bad for ya. Actually, here in Florida, it's usually hot and steamy by now, but today was perfect with cool, rather strong breezes. We opened the windows and left the fresh, cool, unhumid wind blow all the ickies out.
Thanks for your encouragment. You can be my encourager every day and help me stay with my new endeavor.
God bless you today. :)
Hi Rechelle! Wow, what gorgeous pictures! Hot is definitely coming our way too! Thanks for popping in to see me! I just had to take a little time to visit!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :0
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