I think you will find her to be as warm, witty, and welcoming as I do, and I hope you enjoy your visit to her blog just as much & more.
A few weeks ago I was the lucky winner of Heidi Pocketbook's give-a-way! Yahoo!
The prize was a $20 gift card to Amazon.com. Yahoo! Yahoo! It was tough to decide what to get and honestly it took me a long time to make a decision, but finally---FINALLY I decided to get something I knew dear hubby and I could enjoy.
TA DA !!!
For me-Return to Ravenhearst
This is a PC game that is part "seek and find" and part "puzzle". It's a fun game and requires some "sleuthing" skills which is something that can keep me occupied for a long while. I literally set a timer on my cell phone so I will get off the computer or else I would stay glued to it all day trying to solve the whole case, lol! It's set in an old Victorian mansion and is a "ghost" story of sorts. I love me a good ghost story, always have.

No explanation needed, lol!

They're PC games and while I've had lots of fun enjoying mine, I had to return the golf game because it didn't work :0(. We'll get him another one, don't worry. Dear hubby loves golf and gets out on the "green" as often as he can.
Thanks Heidi for being a great bloggerina friend and for my "gift".
Hope you are still getting better. I adore Heidi Pocketbook too! Congratulations on your Give-A-Way prize.
Have A Fabulous Friday
Roberta Anne
The Raggedy Girl
Hi Rechelle...
Just seen that you posted so wanted to stop by to see what's up and how you're doing! So glad to see that your feeling better. I tell ya what, when your sick for that long it takes some time to get back to normal! But glad that you're feeling better!!!
Congrats on winning Heidi's giveaway...looks like you got some fun things!!!
Have a fabulous Friday, my friend!
Warmest wishes,
How cool- so fun to win a prize like that. Have fun with your games. You must look for a PC game called Pandora's Box- it's probably around 10 yrs old or more. It's all really cool puzzle type things. So fun!
Have a fab weekend!
Congrats on your win!!! Very cool prize!
Hi Rechelle! Woo Hooness for you! You won! I'm not jealous a bit! No not me! :) I've met Heidi and she's a sweetie!
have a great weekend and enjoy your book!
Be a sweetie,
Shela ;)
Hi Rechelle! Congrats on the give-away! I love your project from yesterday, I want to do something cute like that in my laundry closet one of these days!
Congrats on the win and what a great prize you picked out. Sounds like a lot of fun! Hope you continue to feel better and enjoy the weekend.
Oh Rechelle, I'm so glad you were finally able to decide what to buy. I'm glad you got something you could enjoy; and how sweet to get something for your dh too☺
I'm so glad I've met you, too☺
Hey Rechelle; Congratulations on winning a great give a way. Sounds like you found something really great and fun, hope you find a golf game that works for your hubby....
Rechelle, I for one LOVE your framed vintage flatware! I have seen one piece of flatware framed before, but never multiple pieces! I love the multiples even better! I have a vintage knife that was my Grandma's favorite and want to do this too. You did fabulous! ~CC Catherine from "Catherine de th`e Cups"
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