This week has been all about my Spring cleaning, organizing and re-
freshing. Being that this mid century home was not built with a pantry, we had to add our own. This "beauty" (
blech!) sits in the service porch/laundry room, just across from the machines. To the right of this cabinet is my utility closet. Anyway, it's my hope/wish/dream that my wonderful hubby
wubby will build some floor to
ceiling open shelves here, til then I've a plain, old, utilitarian cabinet that I call the "pantry". As you can see the painters thought it would be a good idea to give it a paint job. Didn't they figure it out that you cannot paint over laminate without prepping it properly? Ugh, we found out about a week after the painting was completed, that this was done in a hurry.
Ugly, isn't it?

Hmm, found me that wall paper that's been stashed for the past nine years. I knew I'd find a use for it one day...

First door done. What do you think? Should I continue to the next door? I'm thinking about having dear hubby add molding around the edges and I'm still not decided on the pulls. Should I use the ones it came with (see top pic), should I have dear hubby fashion two more spoons into pulls, or should I just go with a pull like the ones on the utility closet? I do have the ones that used to be in my kitchen. Help a girl make up her mind, won't you?
Ok, I can't say either way....take a picture w/ it further out so I can see the surrounding is a great idea though.....
I say more spoons for handles - and just how are those made?
Rechelle, you always have such great and interesting fixes for those homekeeping dilemmas
we all wonder what to do about! I think you should go on and do the same to the other door. Molding would also dress it up. It looks really cute! Good thinkin'!
The original ones are kind of "in" right now but the spoons are your original thing.
Roberta Anne
I think you have a great idea about re-doing it. If you love the wallpaper, then go ahead!
paint the pulls a coordinating color?
Hi Rechelle!
LOVE your laundry room makeover! And I would do the other door girl, it looks great! I would either use the same knobs as the other cabinet next to it or fashion some more pulls like on your red doors. I think those are so cool! And it would be appropriate for a pantry, right?
You have been sooo busy! Can I borrow your magic wand when I need it? (love the pssst sound it makes)
Oh your pet food cantainers rock! What great ideas you have. Love those photos of your fur babies on them!
Have a good one! and keep working on that cabinet!!
Oh girl do the spoons...those are too darn cute not to use them there..great job...I love coming here and seeing everything you do it makes me want to create..thanks...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Clever idea~love how you repurpose things.
The wallpaper is an improvement and I agree with Susan, paint the old handles a coordinating color. That would brighten things up!!
Where are you getting all this energy??!!
I say go with the spoons!! They're cute cute cute!!
Using the wall paper is a great solution...adding molding would add character and make the pantry cabinet special.
I LOVE that wallpaper on there and I think the spoons would be great as handles.
Hi Rechelle,
Keep going with the wall paper and how about "red" handles??!! That would be fun and make the cabinet "POP"... and I also love your recycled dog food holder and the sweet pics of your puppies on it!! Great recycling girlfriend!!
Deb :)
LOVE the spoons. I had to go a few posts back and catch up. I think they would look fabulous! You have such great ideas!
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