Wordless Wednesday is hosted by Dixie @ French Lique, Texas. Be sure to pay her a visit and see who else "isn't" using their words...
This week's theme:

A suburbanista's journey to transform a mid-century ranch into her perfect "country-cottage" dream home
I see lots of love in these sweet pictures...as they say a picture is worth a 1,000 words. Hugs, Linda
What cute pics! Made me smile on this Wordless Wednesday! Hugs! Susan
Hi Rechelle,
Cute family photos with lots of love in them!
Love, Ann
beautiful pictures of love....very special moments
Lovely pictures.
What great pictured! No words needed.
Have a fabulous day.
Ahhhh.... PuppyLOVE... now that's true LOVE... hugs. Dixie
Lovely family.aw---------Ann
Great shots, Rechelle. Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you. And I hope to see you around again.
Cute cute pics!
Have a great WW :-)
Just gotta LOVE those sweet smiling faces.
Roberta Anne
Oh, the best combination in the world is kids and dogs! Wonderful pictures, thanks for the smiles. Cass
Adorable pictures! :)
So cute! Hope you are having a good week!
Thanks for sharing your photos! I love the ones with the kiddos and the dogs. My husband and I want to get our daughter a dog when she is 4 or 5. We both love dogs:) Have a great day! Elena
How sweet. There is just nothing like a boy (or girl) with his dog! Kathy
Cute! Your kids are just precious!
hello Rechelle; What a sweet and cute set of photos, I can see the Love in them all.
Such a touching collection of photos...the first is a photo in a photo with that smoochie-kiss going on! Love the Teddy Bear, too! Then the touching pic of Bailey (I saw on your sidebar how he has recently crossed the Rainbow Bridge, where he is happily playing now) with the delighted boy...and then the pic of cutie pie Shnauzer and another grinning boy. Wonderful!! Thank you so much for sharing.
Darling pictures!
You just can not beat thosepictures for Wordless Wed.Beautiful children.
Loved your Wordless Wednesday. This was my first week participating and it was so much fun. ;) ~CC Catherine. Your pics are SUPER!
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