Rechelle: Happy New Year You are one of the special blogs that has made this new adventure so much fun. Also thanks for the blogging advice. Roberta Anne
Hi Rechelle, I like what you have done with your bathroom. From the pictures it looks like it is a small but long and narrow room. How about putting another mirror but larger on the wall to the right just as you walk in to open up the space more or even a few layered shelves with your favorite knick knacks on them.
Hi! I'm Rechelle. Mommy and Stepmom to my blended brood. As you can imagine there is never a dull or quiet moment in our home. And it's a rather "cozy" home at that, one that seems even "cozier" when we're all together at the same time! I love anything with a history. My home is filled with treasures that have been handed down through generations, or that I've found in thrift stores & antique malls. I love all kinds of music, classic movies & Gene Kelly. Some of my favorite things are vintage tablecloths, lace, beadboard, toile, fine china, tea sets, old homes- be they craftsman, victorian or farmhouses-, decorating & antiques. Living in a cookie cutter house has had it's decorating challenges but my husband and I have loved adding character and making it a "home". We've still many projects to embark upon, but one day... Welcome to my blog, happy reading and please comment! I'd love to get to know you better and may we become fast friends. Enjoy your day and may it be great!
Thanks Rechelle and Happy New Year to you too!
Hi Rechelle, I'm glad your back....have a Happy New Year and all the best in 2009...hugs, Linda.
p.s. I felt the same way about a faux tree but finally had to get one...the pine was causing me nothing but problems. I'm use to it now and love it. L
Thanks Rechelle. My wishes for the same are coming your way.
take care,
Happy New Year You are one of the special blogs that has made this new adventure so much fun. Also thanks for the blogging advice.
Roberta Anne
Hey Rechelle!
A Very Happy New Year to you and your sweet family too!
Hey Rechelle; I hope you and your family have a wonderful and exciting New Year. Best Wishes for 2009
Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. I am so happy to have met you!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR, Rechelle!! :)
Happy New Year Rechelle! Hope you have a year filled with love, hope and good health.
Happy New Year to you Rechelle,
Thank you for your prayers for my Mom. She is home and we hope the new pills will work:)
Hi Rechelle, I like what you have done with your bathroom. From the pictures it looks like it is a small but long and narrow room. How about putting another mirror but larger on the wall to the right just as you walk in to open up the space more or even a few layered shelves with your favorite knick knacks on them.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
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