Graciously hosted by Kelli @ There's no place like home.
Be sure to pay her a visit and see who else is sharing today.
These pieces were given to me by the former Mrs. Owner (Linda) of my home. She was the sweetest lady, so gracious and was generous to the point of amazement. Read on and you'll see why. The item on the left is a tea light holder and when the light is aflame, it glows so beautifully. The next is a small pitcher and bowl set. I use it to hold small knick knacks, safety pins, buttons and on occasion, a flower or two. These are special to me because of how they came to be mine. As I said earlier, the former "Mrs." of the home gifted them to me when we moved here. My hubbs and I had been looking to buy a home for quite some time and no matter how we tried, no home became ours. We were outbid so many times, and even when we offerred full price and then some, we'd still be outbid. This was very discouraging and we were even beginning to discuss putting off buying a home of our own. Hubbs said, after our last "outbid" that we were "done"! That next Sunday we saw in our local paper a home for sale not to far from where we were renting. We weren't even looking in our immediate area because we were outpriced here and were looking further "inland". This house was also listed out of our price range but we decided to take a look anyway. That afternoon we decided to drive by the property and take a peek. The house was undergoing a clean up and face lift and being a Sunday, there was no one around. Hubbs suggested I drive by the next day and see if I couldn't speak with someone. That next day I did just that and met the owners who happened to be doing all the work on the home themselves. There were the nicest people and I had such a good feeling upon meeting them. I explained that Hubbs and I had been looking for a home for quite some time and that we'd yet to find one. I was invited to look at the home but to "please" look past the mess. From the moment I walked into this house I felt "good". The house just felt good. If that makes any sense. It wasn't anything like we'd been looking for, it was smaller then I'd hoped for, but it literally "touched" me. I can't explain it. It was in the area we hoped to be in, and it was close to my stepdaughter so Hubbs and we could remain close if she or her mom needed anything. After my tour of the property, I spoke candidly with the Mr. Owner and told him what we'd been approved for, what we had to spend and then asked the listing price. My heart fell when he named a price that was over $12,000 over our price range. Then he said, "Why don't you have your husband take a drive over here and we'll talk about this". I called my hubbs as soon as I got home and hubbs even left work early. We drove over to the "little house" and my hubbs spoke with Mr. Owner as I sat in the living area with Mrs. Owner. I remember rocking my youngest son so hard out of my own nervousness. A bit later the men came into the home with smiles on their faces. Mr. Owner had accepted the amount we'd been approved for, paid our closing costs and a few additional costs as well. Even more amazing is that the offer was a Gentleman's Acceptance. There was no paperwork involved at that moment. He accpeted our word that we'd have the money and what not! They said they just wanted to be sure the home was going to go to a loving family where the laughter of kids would once again be present. Then Mrs. Owner began to share stories of how her own kids ran up and down the hall, hid in the phone cubby and shared the room in the corner. Here we are eight years later and their wish and ours came true. The laughter of children does ring loud and clear, as do that of their parents. We're creating our own memories in the "little house". There was so much they did to make this house ready for us. From painting inside and out, to upgrading the carpet and padding so that our littlest child wouldn't get hurt when he stumbled as he was learning to walk. Mrs. Owner even took me out to pick out the vinyl for the kitchen floor. They went the extra mile on so many things. I believe that God wanted us in this home, that we weren't able to buy the others that we bid on because He didn't want us there. He wanted us to be here, to meet Mr & Mrs Owner, to pay it forward when we can and remember how blessed and fortunate we are.
I still get Christmas Cards from Mrs. Owner and grieved with her when Mr. Owner passed. I often wonder if they know how big the gift they gave us when they sold us the "little house". You see we bought the "little house" just a few months before the huge housing boom. Had we waited, we would never have been able to buy anywhere during that time. Imagine, at it's peak we were priced out of our own neighborhood! LOL!
Thanks for spending a bit of your Friday with me. Now be sure to make a visit over to Kelli's for more "show & tell".
What a wonderful story! Your treasures are lovely and such a wonderful gift.
That's a very touching story ! We had the same when we were looking for land to have our house built. The first we saw we felt in love with and all the others, bigger and cheaper we couldn't warm up with them and we bought the first one we saw ! And fortunately we did, because now it has become a very very expensive area !
What a great story, Rechelle. You were blessed! I think it's neat that you're still in contact.
Beautifully written!! I love how you have them displayed, and they're just perfect.
My show n tell this week is all Thanksgiving ---come by if you can find time...won't you?
Happy weekend!
Very sweet story. I just love when someone knows a house is just for them. How wonderful you are still able to hear from her.
You have some very pretty pieces.
What a truly amazing story - my husband and I went through a financially devastating period in our marriage.
When we wanted to buy our first van, the banks said no. But we prayed on it and the people who had the van prayed on it too, and then they made a deal with us - no banks or lawyers involved.
How humbling, how refreshing in this day and age. I hope we can do this for someone else one day too.
thanks so much.
What a sweet story on how you found your home!!!
Hi Rechelle,
That is awesome and I'm all teared up( Emotional day for some reason)
God does provide, at the right time with all the details working out as He planned...:)
Have a great weekend and be on the look out from the mailperson:)
What a wonderful special story to instill faith xx
that is a wonderful story. It was obviously meant to be. They sound like wonderful people you bought your home from.
I read your "about me", and we seem to have a lot in common :)
Oh my, what a lovely story. God certainly had plans for you!!!
This was such an encouraging and heart-warming story. My hubby and I are hoping to buy our first home some time late next year and its encouraging to read such a great stoy about finding the right home.
That is such a sweet and touching story. I was moved by what you wrote. What lovely people Mr. and Mrs. "Owner" sound like. You were truly blessed to have them come into your lives and be given the opportunity to have the home that was meant to be!
take care,
Hi Rechelle! What a great story! I know you were so thrilled and your little treasures are so beautiful!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh Rechelle, Your story made me tear up!! Very heartwarming. And your "pretties" are SO pretty!! I have a great story, too about how we got the home we're in 3 years ago, but it's a bit too lengthy to post. At lerast once a week I turn into our neighborhood, and am amazed that I live here! I just smile an ear to ear grin and thank the Lord for His exceeding goodness toward us!!
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story!
Blessings, Becky Thanks also for visiting my blog. I'm new to this but I'm having a blast!!
Oh I love that story. How sweet. It's so nice that you have a little something to remember that wonderful couple with.
I'm so glad that you got to meet the owners. It seemed to bring it to a personal level for you and made all the difference. Congrats on your little house.
Thanks for stopping by my blog too.
What a wonderful story and beautiful treasures. A beautiful reminder. Thanks for sharing.
Your beautiful, touching story left me misty...there are truly wonderful people on this earth...God did plan this all for you. I'm so glad you have been so blessed!
Warm wishes,
That is such a beautiful story! Isn't it amazing how things work out sometimes? Our God works in mysterious ways, and this was one of those times. You are so blessed.
I love your treasures and the way they were intrusted to your care! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my place! :o)
What a sweet wonderful story. God is so good in giving us things sometimes beyond our wildest dreams. Sometimes we are disappointed when we don't get what we want, but I've found that when I don't get something I want it is because God has something better in mind. That has been the story of my life.
Wow what a great story! How wonderful for you that it worked out that way. It is truly a blessings from God above...He knew your hearts desire. That is great. I found you from your sweet comment you left me...I have visited your blog before. It is wonderful!
You asked me where we lived in S. Calif. We live in a tiny farming community called Anza. We are in the mountains above Palm Springs, and we are also about an hour and fifteen minutes from San Diego the other way. It is a great little place, but so many people have moved here now, there is alot of trafffic just to get to the city (Temecula or Hemet) because there is no freeway (still country roads). Hahaha, oh well, we do love it! Thanks for your visit!
What a wonderful story. Your items are beautiful.
Pretty things.
About your question:
Now I never wear the ones my grandmother made, I'm afraid they will get spoiled.
Thank you for your sweet comment!
How darling! My heart is smiling! Thank you for sharing your blessings today.
Wonderful story..God does provide when we least think.
What a precious story! This sounds like it could be a Hallmard Channel movie!! So sweet! Thanks for sharing your story and the testimony of trusting in God and his timing--He wants the best for us:)
Have a lovely weekend.
Linda C
What a sweet story and your treasures are lovely and so special!
Hey Rechelle,
The ironstone is beautiful and so is your story...God put you where he wanted you...You are blessed...this is such a sweet post. By the way... you always have an open invite to my blog anytime...all you have to do is sign in...I was so glad to see you stopped by...
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