Remember that half the joy of achievement is in the anticipation.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Blue Monday 5/18

Happy blue Monday! Sally @ Smiling Sally is our ever gracious hostess with the mostest. Be sure to pay her a visit and see who else is bee bopping in blue today.

I'm sharing some old favorites...

My mailbox
Blue, blue and more blue...
Momma's old blue Fireking bowl
A serving bowl from my dinner ware set...
Afternoon sun shining on the Pacific...
Thanks for stopping by and paying a visit. Be sure to let me know you were here! I hope the rest of your day is GREAT!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful selection of blue photos! Love the Fire King bowl.

Faye said...

Rechelle,this is all so beautiful.I hope you have a great day! Blessings,your friend, Faye

Kathy said...

All your blue things are wonderful, Rechelle, but I especially love your mailbox. Beautiful! And of course, you know that I love that beach scene! Have a great week...Kathy

Kim's Treasures said...

Beautiful blue! I just love your mailbox!!!

Sandra said...

I love your blues. I really like your mailbox. :)

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Love your mailbox! Happy Blue Monday ~ Susan

Barb said...

Hi Rechelle, wonderful pretty!

Happy Blue Monday.


Marie Reed said...

I am mailbox obsessed! I take pictures of them wherever I go! This one is such a beaut! It made me so happy to see it!

Unknown said...

My favorite is the shot of the Pacific. Oh, how I love the beach. Happy Blue Monday! Stop by my site for Blue Monday. If you see what you like, be sure to subscribe to my blog so that you can visit often. Just click "follow" on the right column.

SmilingSally said...

Love your blues, especially that soft blue mailbox. Happy Blue Monday!

Knitty said...

Count me in as an admirer of your mailbox. I love the pattern on your serving bowl too.

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVE that mailbox!

Angie said...

That mailbox is beautiful and so are the rest of your blue things! Hope you have a great day!

Shaam said...

Nice blue things :)I looove your mailbox! I love the little bow, hehe.

All the best,

The Raggedy Girl said...

Pretty blue, so lovely. I was antiquing this weekend and could not believe the piles of bowls just like ones I gave away years ago, oh well!

from The Raggedy Girl

PS. I love your kitchen list, makes me feel like I am not alone...smiles.

Terry said...

Hi Rechelle
Wow love your old favorites :)
I can't believe you have a blue fireking bowl that is fantastic !
I wish I were on the beach in the photo simply relaxing and daydreaming.
Thank you for sharing so many lovely photos today.
Happy Blue Monday .
Blessings of joy to you.

Karen at Nittany Inspirations said...

This is the first time I've visited your blog. Thanks for stopping by mine to see the SS John W Brown. Happy Blue Monday.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your blue serving bowl was my favorite. Have a happy Blue Monday.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Rechelle,
Love the mailbox! It's a beauty! Have a wonderful Blue Monday.


Becky K. said...

I am fascinated by the fireking bowl. I don't know if I have ever seen that shape.

Have a happy Blue Monday!

Anonymous said...

You have some pretty blue things. Your mailbox really caught my eye. It is so special.

Kathy b

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Love your blog Rechelle, I love all things cottage and your beautiful post ! Cindy @ applestone cottage

Linda said...

Hi Rechelle, lots of pretty blues...but I love the sun shining on the beautiful blue ocean...hugs, Linda

QueenB said...

That beach photo is so serene..I want to be there.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Such beautiful blues...No blue Mondays at your house..only pretty ones. :)
I love your pictures!

Anonymous said...

All of your blues are beautiful. I especially like your mailbox. It's so pretty ♥

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I love your mailbox, the secret garden & of course the Pacific Ocean. Thanks for sharing.