Remember that half the joy of achievement is in the anticipation.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Show & Tell Friday 1/16

Happy Day! It's Show & Tell Friday! S&T Friday is hosted by the ever gracious Kelli @ There is No Place Like Home.
So here are the open shelves in my kitchen. We've been working on a kitchen face lift and this area has been a trouble spot for me. On Tuesday, I shared how it had evolved. Well, after some feedback and appreciated suggestions, I continued to "play" with this and this is where I'm at "now". I still can't say I'm completely happy with it, but I think I'm getting closer :0).
I admit, I'm still in the throes of a creative brain fart, so your feedback is welcomed and appreciated!

So, this is how it looked as of Tuesday...
And here it is today...
I beefed up the second (from top) shelf and tweaked the third (from top) shelf as well.


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

I love it girl..looks just wonderful to me...thanks for sharing hugs and smiles Gloria

Anita said...

Very nice, what a pretty little shelf you have! I adore white shelves!

Kathy said...

Your shelves look great. I NEED to get busy and do some tweaking myself!

Anonymous said...

It looked good before but now it looks great!!

Bridget said...

Wow, what a great arangement!

Ingrid said...

It looks very nice now !

Dawn said...

I thought the first one looked fine, but I do like the little change you made. ☺
The white and the colors look very nice together.

take care,

Janet, said...

I like your bowls, especially the one with the rolling pin leaning up against it.

Hootin Anni said...

Very attractive. Love the soup tureen.

My Show n Tell...I felt kind of BLUE today. Come by if you can, I'd love to have your company.

Dixie said...

Very pretty and organized... isnt' it great that we continue to evolve in our tastes... likes... ideas...


Anonymous said...

I love it, it looks great!

Anonymous said...

Me too, I'm fixing things in my kitchen but I have a long way to go before it will be finished! Thanks for sharing and come visit me for my S&T.

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Rechelle!

It looks fabulous! I like the different papers you backed the shelves with. I really like the your little added touches on this post. I love how the soup terrine stands out against the red paper! Those shelves really make a kitchen I think, you can add so much personality.

Have a great weekend sweetie!

Big hugs, Sherry

Lora @ my blessed life said...

What a great little cabinet! You've made it look very cozy. Love it!

Heidi Pocketbook said...

It's a lovely cabinet with lovely treasures. I love how you arranged the items and have the paper up for a backdrop.

Thanks for stopping by and have a good Friday!

Connie said...

I think it looks like a "cabinetscape", honey!!! Yep, lovely. I just papered my china cabinet with scrapbooking paper and it looks so much better. There'll be a post about it this month sometime as I schedule them in advance.

Come visit for a giveaway for my 500th post.


Lady Katherine said...

Looks great, love rolling pins, those glasses, the soup tureen, I want one. lol

P. said...

I always like to see shelves. Yours are very nice.


Kim's Treasures said...

It looks great to me! Very pretty!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Looking good! There are several items on there that I would just love to have myself!

The Muse said...

Excellent "eye" !

Anonymous said...

You arranged all your goodies so nicely. Thanks for stopping by my blog too.

akawest said...

You did a great job. I like the backgrounds, too.

That BHG cookbook is a classic. I destroyed my original copy with too much use and had to buy a second.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the puppy muffins, I am going to try them very soon! I just love your cabinets! and your puppies are so sweet.. you just want to give them a hug.

Thanks and I will be back.. Nice meeting you!

Just A Gal

Linda said...

I really like the additional pieces you've added and I alway love a touch of ivy...I use it a lot. Hugs, Linda

Carla said...

Did you change your header? I love it. I love how you wallpapered? the back in different colors and displayed your things! Have fun playing with it:)

Unknown said...

Isn't it fun to tweak and putter!!?! Your blog is really cute and I love your puppies! I have a white schnauzer that would love to play with them. :)

Happy New Year from Houston!

Jadehollow said...

Thanks for stopping by my Show & Tell and for leaving such a wonderful comment! You've got me curious about Ashley's twin lol. Drop me a line if you post your daughters picture so I can come see. Love Love Love the green Ball canning jars ! I'm a green freak .. especially for green glass.
~Blessed Hugs...

Kym-Anne said...

I love your shelves and what a great idea to back the cabinet with gorgeous paper, I never would have thought of that!
Thanks for your warm welcome to S&T and for dropping by my blog.
Have a great week.

Belinda said...

I think it looks beautiful, and my eye was immediately drawn to your pretty green glass. Everything you have displayed looks perfectly set off by the white wood of the shelves too. :-)

JudyBug said...

So cute! I love the second shelf with the cookbook, rolling pin and bowl. What about adding a clear jar with some flour like a baking section? Love it!

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I found the Wal-Mart bowls over in the regular bowls and not Christmas. I had given up finding them and was so excited. It doesn't take much!

Deb said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog! I love your shelf. It just looks so peaceful! Have a great weekend

JudyBug said...

Don't you just love blogging and exchanging ideas with each other! :)

Anonymous said...

I think it looks great!

Brittany said...

Your shelf looks so pretty! Great job decorating it!

Lisa Cobler said...

It's lovely.

Linda C said...

Looks very nice. I love the variety on each shelf:)

Linda C

Kelli said...

You have your treasures arranged beautifully! I have the same cookbook. :0)

Pink Slippers said...

I like to change things every so often. So even if you find something you like remember you can change it again for fun. I think it looks nice though. Have a wonderful weekend.

The Raggedy Girl said...

I bet this was a tweak, tweak, tweak type of thing where you just kept playing with it till you got it just right. What fun. And it looks so nice.
Roberta Anne

Donna said...

Hi Rechelle! It's looking great! I'm forever tweaking arrangements... Can't wait to see your 'big Tv' room rearrangement - and I love your vintage postcards. So many from my neck of the woods! It's so funny to see addresses with no zip codes... Have a wonderful weekend!... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

joyh82 said...

I love how you arranged all your pretties and the shelf looks great! Love the picture of your dog in the post below too.

Cottage Rose said...

Rechelle; You are doing a great job on your cupboards. I love the open ones. Every thing looks so pretty.



Looks great after you tweaked it :)
I'm working on tweaking my shelf and am looking over the house for the right item...
Hope you are having a great weekend.

Harbor Hon said...

Now it really pops! I love it! Thanks for sharing the new pics. xxoo

Lara said...

Your shelves look great!

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Looks great to me either way. I am partial to the first pic though, only becaue having more space around the items makes them appear more important.

Have a great week!

Neabear said...

I like how it looks after you tweaked it. Looks wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rechelle, I just dropped by to leave a 'thinking of you' message. Have a fabulous day.


Dianna said...

That looks amazing. I love the green glass especially.

Christie said...

Open shelving has such charm to me...your's is precious...and the tweaking that you did looks makes it all look just perfect...have a beautiful day!

Shirl said...

Hello, I'm making PInk Saturday and Blue Monday visits and found my way to you. Love that shelf! Your other posts were cute too! Your dog is adorable, so sorry to see that you lost your other dog in Dec. Hugs to you.
Bless You, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Anne Fannie said...

Hi Rechelle, Love your shelves. They look so cheery!
I need to do some tweaking myself. Have you noticed the tweaking is always in January?
Love, Ann

playsdolls said...

Your shelf is wonderful I love it.

I have awarded you the Honest Scrap Award you can stop buy and pick it up.

Neabear said...

Just checking in with you since you have not posted in awhile. Hope all is okay in your neck of the woods.

Anonymous said...

Your kitchen is really coming along beautifully, Rechelle. The shelves look great, and I love the rolling pin, so don't even *think* about changing it :o) I'm about halfway through painting my cabinets now (black, which is coming out gorgeous) and can't wait to get my crown molding up to bring a little drama to the dropped ceiling.

Have a great week!
