Remember that half the joy of achievement is in the anticipation.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas has come to our cozy home & a little Show & Tell...

It's Show & Tell Friday so graciously hosted by Kelli @ There's no place like home. Be sure to pay her a visit and see who else in sharing today.

All week long I've been going through decorations, sorting out the old stuff, incorporating the new stuff and trying to make our cozy space festive and merry...

As you enter our home this is what greets you. Nevermind the "artwork" on the side of that cabinet. That was created by my youngest child when he was going through is "creative" phase. lol!
Oops! Forgot to move the dog bowl. I've not much space to display Christmas cards that we receive so I now put up ribbon and hang the cards from the ribbon and it makes a kind of festive looking tree...As you turn into the livingroom. I took these photos when it was rather late and my furbabies were all ready settled in for the night. As you take your tour, I'm sure you'll recognize many of my "finds & treasures" ...Hubby bought this Nativity for me when we moved to this area. It's been with us as long as we've been married.I love the glow of the Christmas lights but unfortunately, it was very hard to get a good picture of the whole room aglow...
When we get our tree (possibly tonight) it will be placed in front of the large picture window to the left...Thank you for stopping by and spending a bit of your day with me. I hope you are all enjoying this holiday season...


Harbor Hon said...

Very pretty the way you decorated. I love the BELIEVE sign. I still believe in Santa, even at my age. xxoo

Heidi Pocketbook said...

How pretty your decorations are. I especially like the Nativity and the backdrop you have for it and the Christmas village pieces.

Unknown said...

What a charming home! The dog bowl, hey he lives there too!

LillyB said...

Oh everything looks so FEELS like Christmas when I see your home!!!
You should put a bow on the dog's bowl LOL, I thought it added the perfect touch! And I love the painting behind the nativity scene! It is beautiful!! I really enjoyed your pictures!! Thank you so much for sharing! God Bless!!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM Girl I love your villiages they are so sweet..always made Christmas for me...thanks for sharing..can't wait to see your tree up..hugs and smiles Gloria

Anonymous said...

What a joyful, holiday home. Everything is beautiful - especially your treasured Nativity. Blessings to you this weekend. Have fun decorating the tree.

A Hint of Home said...

Your villages are very pretty!

Neabear said...

I enjoyed browsing through your pictures. So lovely and Christmasy. Looking forward to the pictures of the tree when you get it up. I noticed your pooches snoozing away on the couches while you were snapping away.

Anonymous said...


Your Christmas decorations look very cozy!!! I like how you have added the ribbons to the plates on your wall.

Elizabeth said...

What a charming little home you have! I loved looking at your pictures. Also, I adore your header. Where did you find that picture? Beautiful!


The Raggedy Girl said...

How precious and homey it all looks. I love the little lights over the window and may have to "borrow" that idea next year. I loved my visit today and after blogging for almost a month I get up looking forward to visiting my favorite places.
Roberta Anne

Carla said...

Love your yellow walls and red trim! Your home looks so cozy:) (and festive:) love the ribbon card tree! smart stuff:)

The Muse said...

Everything looks so festive...The manger is so nice and to hear happy Birthday playing...well It is simply lovely!!

BECKY said...

Your home and decorations are simply charming! Love your village!!
Blessings, Becky

Unknown said...

Very festive!
I enjoyed my visit :) .

Hootin Anni said...

Love it all!!! I really like how you have the lights behind the valance and the village....and the stockings on the wall...the reindeer on the very first photo....well, just all of this!!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I love to have company. You made my day. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. My daughter had a lovely party - we are just clearing up now!

Thanks for sharing you decorations in your home.

Susie Homemaker said...

I love all your holiday decor...very pretty! I can't wait to see your tree!!


Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

You have many beautiful decorations. Did you paint the skate? I love that!

Gone said...

I love the manger scene...and all the other decorations. Your home is lovely.


Anonymous said...

It's all very pretty and cozy.

Dawn said...

Your home looks very pretty. What a lovely job you've done decorating. Your Christmas village is beautiful. Isn't fun decorating for Christmas?

take care,

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I enjoyed seeing your decorations and cozy home!


Anonymous said...

Evening Rechelle! Oh, thank you for the tour of your lovely home. I love all your little treasures. Also like the curtains in your dining room and on the door!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Ingrid said...

I am coming ! your home looks so cosy with all these decorations, (even the dog's bowl, lol ) and the furbabies on the sofas.

Anne Fannie said...

Hi Rechelle, thanks for showing us your lovely home all decorated so pretty! And the dog bowl, thats a normal fixture in our house too!
Love, Ann

Lisa Cobler said...

Everything looks so pretty. I love the little houses.

Traci @ The Bakery said...

Soooooo pretty! I am looking for some ice skates to use in a wreath....that is where I'm going today...hitting the flea markets. Have a great weekend!!!

Becky said...

Everything looks so festive. Thanks for sharing!

Kelli said...

So many sweet and heartwarming Christmas touches to your home! Everything is so cozy!

Kathy said...

It's all so pretty, Rechelle! By the way, the song you have playing, "Happy Birthday Jesus" is one a little girl sings every year at our church Christmas performance. It's always so sweet. It amazes me that a child can sing in front of thousands of people without appearing to be nervous at all!

Stop by my Sunday post - I left something for you to pick up!
Happy Sunday,

P. said...

Is nice to see the house all decorated for Christmas.


Jules said...

Thanks for stopping by my place! Love your Christmas decorations! We have a small tree up and that is about it until our schedules open up. :o) Thanks for sharing.

Christie said...

Your home is so cottagey and pretty! I love it all dressed up for the holidays the Christmas tree too....looks like it's filled with sentimental treasures...Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!
P.S. I love the things you got in that giveaway too...what a nice surprise...Jeanne is a doll!