Remember that half the joy of achievement is in the anticipation.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Time for some R & R...

Hi everybody!
Just popping in to say I'll be MIA this week. Hubby and I are going on a mini vacation. We have some friends, wonderful people, that offered us their vacation home for this week and of course we said Y-E-S !!! It's on the coast and I've shared it before and it's my favorite place (second only to Disneyland) and you can imagine my excitement when I peeked online to see that the temperatures there are ranging from the low to mid 60s for the week! Yahoo! I definitely will not miss the heat and humidity we've been experiencing. So, I hope everyone has a wonderful week and I'll see you soon. (pics of my fave place. I've posted them before)

Come on, take a walk with me.

This pic comes for the city's website. I didn't see who took the pics, but it is not my image. We've walked along these steps and shores and it's the most wonderful place. I love the coast.


Traci @ The Bakery said...

Have a great time on your trip....we'll be here when you get back!!!

Gone said...


Thanks for the PINK SATURDAY visit...and comments.

Have a wonderful vacation!


Dawn said...

Have a wonderful vacation. Enjoy the cooler weather. I hope you find your vacation restful and oh so relaxing!

take care,

Tracy said...

Hi, Rechelle! Wishing you safe and very happy travels! Happy Days... :o)

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Have a great time!

Christie said...

Hey Rechelle! Have a great trip and come visit me when you get back! Our day trip was wonderful and I posted pictures.


Cottage Rose said...

Have a great time on your mini vacation. have fun and put your toes in the sand for me too. lol


Linda said...

I love the coast....have a most wonderful time. Hugs, Linda


Have a Great time and I'm a little jealous :) See you when you get back :)
Warmly, Deb

Jill said...

Hope you are enjoying your visit to the coast. Thank you for stopping in and wishing my a happy birthday!

Katie said...

Ooo you lucky gal you! Enjoy the beach for me!